KUG Logo und Link zur Kunstuniversität Graz

GAPPP: Gamified Audiovisual Performance
and Performance Practice

KUG Logo und Link zur Kunstuniversität Graz

Augmented Reality App

The augmented reality app plays additional parts of Marko Ciciliani`s composition "Anna&Marie". By pointing on the images below on this website, additional parts can be played back on mobile devices.

To get support for the app please contact Marko Ciciliani via the following mail: marko.ciciliani@kug.ac.at

The iOS version of Anna&Marie available through the official Apple App Store: Link
For iOS 12 and newer.

For Android devices the augmented reality app is available for installation right here via the GAPPP website: Download

Once you have installed the app, please use the following marker images to enjoy the augmented reality features:

Logo of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF)

GAPPP is funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF as project PEEK AR 364-G24.